you can purge the following Middle Tier files:
1. Shutdown middle (web) tier using the command: $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ stopall
2. Clean out the Apache/oc4j log files in IAS 10g (10.1.3) ORACLE_HOME:
From an Unix shell where the Apps environment has been sourced,
a-1. $ cd $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/Apache/
a-2. $ pwd (Verify that you are in the "Apache logs directory")
a-3. $ rm -r *
b-1. $ cd $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/opmn/
b-2. $ pwd (Verify that you are in the "opmn logs directory")
b-3. $ rm -r *
c-1. $ rm $APPLRGF/javacache.log
d-1. $ cd $APPLRGF/jvmDump
d-2. $ pwd (Verify that you are in the "jvmDump directory")
d-3. $ rm -r *
For EACH j2ee log group, purge the following files:
You could have multiple JVMs per each type of log groups so "default_group_#" refers to generic #. Whereby the steps below for cleaning should be for each JVM.
e-1. $ cd $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/forms/[ forms_default_group_# ]
e-2. $ pwd (Verify that you are in the "forms_default_group_#" directory)
e-3. $ rm -r *
f-1. $ cd $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/[ oacore_default_group_# ]
f-2. $ pwd (Verify that you are in the "oacore_default_group_#" directory)
f-3. $ rm -r *
g-1. $ cd $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/
g-2. $ pwd (Verify that you are in the oafm directory)
g-3. $ rm -r *
h-1. $ cd $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/[ oacore_default_group_# ]
h-2. $ pwd (verify that you are in the "oafm_default_group_#" directory)
h-3. $ rm -r *
Ref : Which Application Log Files May Be Manually Purged Regularly? (Doc ID 2005894.1)
1. Shutdown middle (web) tier using the command: $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ stopall
2. Clean out the Apache/oc4j log files in IAS 10g (10.1.3) ORACLE_HOME:
From an Unix shell where the Apps environment has been sourced,
a-1. $ cd $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/Apache/
a-2. $ pwd (Verify that you are in the "Apache logs directory")
a-3. $ rm -r *
b-1. $ cd $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/opmn/
b-2. $ pwd (Verify that you are in the "opmn logs directory")
b-3. $ rm -r *
c-1. $ rm $APPLRGF/javacache.log
d-1. $ cd $APPLRGF/jvmDump
d-2. $ pwd (Verify that you are in the "jvmDump directory")
d-3. $ rm -r *
For EACH j2ee log group, purge the following files:
You could have multiple JVMs per each type of log groups so "default_group_#" refers to generic #. Whereby the steps below for cleaning should be for each JVM.
e-1. $ cd $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/forms/[ forms_default_group_# ]
e-2. $ pwd (Verify that you are in the "forms_default_group_#" directory)
e-3. $ rm -r *
f-1. $ cd $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/[ oacore_default_group_# ]
f-2. $ pwd (Verify that you are in the "oacore_default_group_#" directory)
f-3. $ rm -r *
g-1. $ cd $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/
g-2. $ pwd (Verify that you are in the oafm directory)
g-3. $ rm -r *
h-1. $ cd $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/[ oacore_default_group_# ]
h-2. $ pwd (verify that you are in the "oafm_default_group_#" directory)
h-3. $ rm -r *
Ref : Which Application Log Files May Be Manually Purged Regularly? (Doc ID 2005894.1)
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